Ever Look back

If Cinderella went back to pick up her shoe, She wouldn't have become a Princesss.

Never make a big promise

Never make a big decision when you're angry.
Never make a big promise when you're overjoyed

Take my Advice

I don't use it anymore

Original Demensions

Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.

People are being used

People were created to Loved. Things were created to be Used.
The reason why the world is in chaos is because Things are being Loved & People are being Used

I'm not Totally Useless

I can be Used as a Bad example

fragile broken things

What a shame, we all became such FRAGILE broken thins.

You're never Alone

Never give up

Trying to do what you really want to do.

when you have got a broken heart.

i don't even think anyone can give you advice when you have got a broken heart

Wouldn't it be the perfect crime

If i stole your <3, and you stole mine

I am jealous

Just try again until you will have one!

Save Water!!

Shower with your Girlfriend

Three solutions to every problem

If you can't Accept it, Change it.
If you can't Change it, Leave it.

Be a woman that a man needs

you gonna quit thinking so much

If it feels right, it probably is.

The courage to follow your heart

Admit that they miss you

Find someone who knows you're not perfect, but treats you as if you are.

Don't make her fail, if you Don't plan to catch her

Learn to take a photo from her


Just to freak people out

Drink Don't Drive

I'm actually not funny.

We must be closed.

Beauty is on the inside

The cat

My Teacher

Playing Dress up

Is monopoly money ok??


The Unicorns

You're just so Hilarious

You mean I'm not a koala?

When I'm singing a song

Try Again

Live. Because life is everything

Devote yourself to an idea

Be nice to people

Always laugh when you can

She is clothed in strngth and dignity

Yoy are not a tree.

Keep calm it's almost summer